Thursday 23 March 2017

Cotton Candy Malaysia Event

School Charity Bazaar

About the event
This is a school charity bazaar and Wedding Event which attracted close to 500 attendees during the fund raising event.
The organiser purchased 300 cups of candy floss and managed to sell them all to help raise fund for the less fortunate.

Check out the event photo below. 
Student queuing for cotton candy.

Sealed cups can keep candy floss fresh for up to 10 days and better food hygiene. 
Kind donations from fellow friends =]

Multicolor Of Halal Cotton Candy for Sale.

Archive for Wedding

Wedding Solemnization

About this event
These pictures were taken during a Church Wedding Solemnization. Approximately 350 guests attended the blissful wedding.
A fair share of young and old were mesmerized by the presence of our colourful candy floss.
Even the bride could not resist taking a picture with the candy floss.
Check out the event photos below.
Kids Enjoying Cotton Candy.

Crowd gather around the candy floss machine

Who says only the kids love Candy Floss =]

Kid with Candy Floss

The Bride and the Candy Floss